Your data is yours. We ensure that even if we get hacked, we can’t see your data. This is achieved through our zero-knowledge architecture and advanced cryptography.
Pangea is a global democratic virtual country that digitally and constitutionally protects your identity and data with the most advanced & secure technologies.
Fast access to Goods & Services you want, use web 2.0, web 3.0 and web 4.0 apps with ease. Fraud proof advanced digital signatures with better than military grade authentication and signatures protect you always.
Your Passport is your key to explore and participate in the Pangea virtual country, such as paying in LEOS in your always-accessible bank account or participating in DAO or Pangea democratic governance.
Your data is yours. We ensure that even if we get hacked, we can’t see your data. This is achieved through our zero-knowledge architecture and advanced cryptography.
Become a Global Citizen today with the Pangea ID.
Try it out first on our Testnet - you can test how it works before joining Pangea for real.
Try on TestnetMore levels used to incentivise participation, security and growth are expected and under Research and Development.
Security through privacy
If you don’t have the data, you can’t be hacked.
Enabling data rich user experiences and data driven intelligence, without the burden of storing user data.
Your data is yours. We ensure that even if we get hacked, we can’t see your data. This is achieved through our zero-knowledge architecture and advanced cryptography.
Pangea ID is available now to start protecting businesses with advanced identity solutions
Decentralized Identity Foundation
World Wide Web Consortium