Pangea for Citizens

Reimagine Citizenship

Constitution of Pangea

As the lines between the physical world and the virtual world are blurring more than ever before, it is time to understand the importance of Digital Rights.

However, Pangea also aims to enable new rights for people in the physical realm, whilst respecting existing legal jurisdictions’ autonomy.

Global Citizenship

Pangea ensures that every human on Earth is entitled to a unique, lifetime digital identity, symbolised by a global digital passport. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of each citizen within the network.

A gamified identity system to incentivize citizen security, ecosystem accountability and account utility

Global Citizenship

Level 1

Global Citizen

  • Login into Games and Basic Apps
  • Pangea Blockchain Transactions
  • Social recovery
  • Tap-to-recover
  • Identity verification recovery
  • Email recovery
  • Security questions
  • Multi-chain Transactions (add-on)

Level 2

Sovereign Citizen

  • Login to Most Apps
Setup 1 sovereign account recovery mechanism to unlock

Level 3

Portability Expert

  • Login to Any App
  • Create DAOs
  • Vote in Pangea Democracy
  • Participate in Pangea Governance
Verify your identity, or have 2 verified user vouch for identity, to unlock

Level 4

Identity Guru

  • Unlock 10,000 citizen loyalty tokens
  • Account Analytics
  • Store Private Data
    1 Gb
Setup 3 sovereign account recovery mechanisms to unlock

Level 5


  • Unlock 10,000 citizen loyalty tokens
  • Advanced Account analytics
  • Store Private Data
    10 Gb
Participate in Pangea Gov+ to unlock

More Levels...

More levels used to incentivise participation, security and growth are expected and under Research and Development.

Be the Goverment

Your Voice
Run a Node
Validate Truth
Become a Politician
Run for Office
Become a Diplomat

Be the Change

Take Control of Your Identity

Become a Global Citizen today with the Pangea Passport. A Web 2.0 experience, with the sovereignty, privacy and security of Web 4.0.

Easy to use
Own your assets
Own your data
Join Pangea for free

Be Heard with Liquid Democracy Governance

Cryptographically provable democracy combined with blockchain technology to give a voice to all. Liquid democracy blends direct and delegated democracy to facilitate efficient and participatory decision making.

Sustainable and transparent governance
Agency for all
Creating self-regulating ecosystems
Easy to use disputes arbitration
Join Pangea for free

Participate in The Global Market Economy

A place for people, businesses and governments to interact and transact seamlessly, securely and efficiently. Built on Web 4.0 to last:

15,000+ TPS before sharding
Unlimited sharing of W3C Verifiable Credentials
Anonymous but accountable identities using Zero Knowledge
Join Pangea for free

Stay in the Pangean Loop

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How to become a citizen

United Citizens Wallet



Web 4

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a better Tomorrow, Today.

For you, for me & everyone.