Web4 Passport for Future Economies

Own your data, no third parties
A democratically governed decentralized digital ID protocol building using ZK Proofs
Growing Community
Capped Supply
Verified Throughput
Building on Pangea

24 Trusted Partners and Counting

Passport for the Future of Cities

Future Cities and Network Society Landscape

Future City Statistics

population today
population in 2030
future cities in

Crypto native economies will power the future

Crypto was created to replace Fiat, no co-exist with it. Circular economies that run on crypto rails are the end state for currency. Bitcoin was a trailblazeing protocol, but it is now legacy software and unsuitable for powering a global economy. Pangea, powered by $LEOS, is.

Only possible if future cities are security proof with citizen control

Centralised data repositories allow overreach and visibility by big tech and governments. With Pangea Vault, you control your own flow of data and have full autonomy.

Pangea lets you build circular economies powered by people

We all are subject to a set of rules created by legacy power structures. Future economies will be powered by the people, where everyone is heard.

Big-tech and government watch and control

Your data is not private. Big tech and governments know your transactional history. Pangea Vault gives you control and privacy.

With Pangea Passport freedom is now possible

Pangea Passport gives you full control over oyur digital identity. Prove who you are, without third parties in-between.

The Fuel of Pangea
LEOS (Ƚ) Currency

Bringing Ease of Use, Privacy
and Safety to Global Payments
  1. Ƚ50B capped supply
  2. Utility, Staking and Global Payments
  3. MiCA Compliant
  4. Fast & Easy Transactions
  5. Already Launched Mainnet + Wallet
  6. Tokenomics Audited

Download the United Citizens Wallet to become a Citizen of Pangea Today

Your gateway to Web 4.0 Worlds

Stay in the Pangean Loop

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