Pangea for Startups


Faster Easier Safer Cheaper BETTER.

Anything you could build on Web 2.0 & 3.0, just better.

Guaranteed FREE
accounts for Citizens
Super low, predictable
fees for DAOS
Easy and flexible
wealth management
Safer web3
Secure multi-party funds
manager for any DAO
global settlement

The DNA of a Web 4.0 Start up

Superior Cybersecurity
Goodbye Hacking.
Anyone can Build
No-Code is the Future.
Get down to Business
Company Registry
Become a Diplomat
Build the Future
Green, Cheap & Secure
From DeFi to NFTs
Seamless UX
Economic Access.
Financial Inclusion

Grow Scale Become a Unicorn.

Do Good

Help reach UN SDGs &
Save the world

Get Funded

Within the dynamic ecosystem of Pangea, we are excited to announce the availability of a series of grants funded through the Initial Distribution Ecosystem Fund aimed at fostering infrastructure innovation and enhancing crucial market services. These grants are designed to respond directly to the needs and demands of our citizens, ensuring that the development and expansion of our virtual nation are both community-driven and aligned with our collective vision.

These grants will support projects that push the boundaries of what's possible within our digital infrastructure, encourage creative solutions to complex challenges, and deliver services that are of paramount importance to our citizenry. Whether it's pioneering new forms of digital governance, securing data integrity, or enhancing the efficiency of our transaction systems, we are committed to funding initiatives that resonate with our community's aspirations.

Applications for these grants will be evaluated based on their potential impact, innovation, and alignment with Pangea's strategic goals. We invite our citizens, DAOs, and developers to propose projects that not only contribute to the technological advancement of Pangea but also embody the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity that defines our virtual nation.

By investing in infrastructure innovation and market services that matter most to our citizens, we are laying the foundation for a more resilient, secure, and user-centric Pangea. Join us in shaping the future of our virtual nation, where every contribution leads us closer to realizing our shared vision of a sovereign digital society.